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Yacht Management


The true motive that takes us to buy a yacht is the prospect of good moments on board.  However, yachts are complex vessels that need daily and intensive care and, to achieve this, a lot of attention, diligence and mainly time, which is very scarce for the majority of yacht owners.  How about, then, delegate this daily care and have a trusted and diligent company take care of such a valuable asset?

The main attribute in all BYS team is the passion for yachts.  We give our client vessels with the same care and attention as we give our own vessels.  It is with this spirit that we incentive and train all crew and target that they all absord the culture of taking care of a yacht with attitude, honesty and passion.

For a fixed monthly fee we will take care of all administrative and financial routines and give all the technical support to have your yacht impeccably maintained and always in a seaworthy condition.  We know the value of your asset and, mostly, the value of your time!

The combination of our experience in dealing with yachts and this passion concerns us in every detail, from safety equipment, firefighting and navigational support, to the pool which your children and grandchildren will enjoy, all this regardless of boat size and frequency of use. We apply strict controls for preventive maintenance and we believe this is a major ingredient in a recipe for durability and reliability for long trips and periods on board. Brazil Yacht Services takes care of everything related to the yacht and, with our support, clients need only have one concern: to enjoy! After all, “Yachting is Fun!”


  • Administrative, technical, operational and financial management. Logistic support on the ground, capable of assisting travel around the world.
  • Control and management of charter schedules for owners interested in renting out their boats.
  • Control and management of maintenance schedules, dockage and interaction with suppliers.
  • Selection, recruitment and training of crew (navigation, firefighting, first aid, piracy etc.).
  • Operational standardization and service on board.
  • Budget control and financial reporting.