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Patagonia, Chile, Argentina

One of the most exoctic charter destinations, Patagonia will not lag behind any of the maritime adventure destinations worldwide. A Patagonian adventure through the Tierra del Fuego can start either from Porto Montt in Chile or from Ushuaia on the Atlantic side.

For the mighty, the cape horn offers a very challenging sailing experience through one of the must-go places in every sailor wish-list.  For the least wave enthusiasts, the inland Chilean channels guarantee protected waters  with breathtaking scenery and plenty of oportunities to view  Penguins, sealions, sea otters, whales albatrosses and and even the Pumas ashore.

Guests can Kayak the fjords with dolphins or explore among the colourful wood shingle buildings of Chiloe, many on stilts.  A short Helicopter trip will take you to wear some energy in Glacier skiing or perhaps fly fishing for brown trout or salmon in some of the world´ss best fishing rivers and lakes.

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Best time to visit?

November to April
